About Us
Welcome to the Web Presence of the Anatolian Christian Fellowship Association
Are there Christians in Anatolia, the heartland of the Republic of Turkey? Most certainly there are! The Anatolian Christian Fellowship Association was founded in order to unite the Christian fellowships in Anatolia. We help the fellowships that are members of our Association to clearly teach the Bible in its entirety, to explain and be an example of how to live the Christian life and to grow in their unity, faith and action. For more information, please scroll down.
We labour without reference to language, creed or race, advising those who hold to the Christian faith so that they are provided personally and communally with what is needed for their spiritual, emotional and social growth.
Our mission is to represent Christianity in Anatolia, without reference to any divisions of language, religion or race and in line with our Lord’s will and according to the clear teachings He has given us.

Quarterly Journal on the Bible and Theology
e-manet is an indispensable resource for any Turkish-speaker wanting to go deeper in their understanding of Christian theology and practice. This journal has been provided free of charge in digital format to the Turkish church for over a decade and is now the official publication of the ACC. It provides high quality content of excellent use to the reader and consists of five departments:
- Düşünce (Thought) :: Articles to help shape a Christian world view in the reader
- Kitap (Book) :: Commentary on and careful exegesis of passages of Scripture
- Tarih (History) :: Articles about history surrounding biblical events and of the Church
- Hizmet (Ministry) :: Articles regarding how to effectively serve in the many ministries the Church provides
- Kaynak (Resources) :: Summaries of resources unavailable in Turkish as well as an introduction to new or forgotten Turkish-language resources
If you would like to donate to our association, you can wire money to one of the accounts listed below. For more information, please contact us.
Anadolu Hristiyan Topluluğu Derneği
İş Bankası Kayseri Şubesi
Cumhuriyet Mah. Millet Cad. No.: 31 38030
Melikgazi/Kayseri TURKEY
Telephone: +90 352 207 0700
Bank Account Numbers:
₺: 5300-4526984
IBAN: TR22 0006 4000 0015 3004 5269 84
$: 5300-4422984
IBAN: TR28 0006 4000 0025 3004 4229 84
€: 5300-4422999
IBAN: TR11 0006 4000 0025 3004 4229 99
Swift Code: ISBKTRIS
CHIPS UID: 003546
Or you can give online (via credit card, PayPal or direct deposit) through our parner organization by clicking the button below.
Branch Offices
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